Thursday, 19 January 2017 00:01

Prince Igor Featured

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Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus, bassist Oleg Melnikov in the role of Konchak, a Polovets hagan

Opera in two acts with a prologue and an epilogue

Libretto: Alexander Borodin based on the poem The Lay of Igor's Campaign

Music Director: Honoured Artist of Russia Pavel Sorokin

Director: People's Artist of Russia Yury Aleksandrov 

Sets: Lyudmila Goncharova

Costumes: Eleonora Grigoruk

Chorus Master: People's Artist of Belarus Nina Lomanovich

Choreography: Mikhail Fokin

Conductors: Honoured Art Worker of the Republic of Belarus Nikolay Koliadko, Honoured Artist of Ukraine Viktor Ploskina


Performed in Russian 

Running time: 3 hours with one interval

Premiere: July 13, 1996

Revival premiere: 23 November 2012

Read 1694 times Last modified on Sunday, 05 February 2017 21:08

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